
Possible Issue when Applying Formatting to Row
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Author:  teniel [ Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Possible Issue when Applying Formatting to Row

Dear EasyXLS

I have a problem when applying a background colour to a row in a spreadsheet that I am creating.

I use the following code

What I find is that sometimes the row gets coloured completely and sometimes the row gets coloured partially

[partially means
a. all the cells in the row which have no text in them get coloured
b. some of the cells in the row which have text are coloured

I have tried different ways of colouring the row
1. Colouring each cell individually
2. Setting the background colour as a style and applying the style
3. Saving the numbers of the rows that I want to colour to after I have finished everything and then applying the colour.

However I get the same each time

Can you help?

Thank you

Author:  teniel [ Tue May 13, 2008 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Response Requested

Dear EasyXLS,

Do you have any response to this?

Thank you and Best wishes


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