
8 digit Negative number corrupting
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Author:  smruti_patra [ Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  8 digit Negative number corrupting

I am using the easy xls to read the data from xls file.

I am facing some problem while exporting some 8 digit Negative number from xls sheet.

It is working Fine with less than 8 digit and more 8 digit negative number. For some 8 digit Negative number it is corrupting the number.

I am attching in put output data for excel sheet and the code for extracting the value from excel sheet.

Input In excel sheet:

------- -----------
-54000001 At row 1, column 1 the value is '1019741823'
-54000002 At row 2, column 1 the value is '1019741822'
-54000003 At row 3, column 1 the value is '1019741821'
-54000004 At row 4, column 1 the value is '1019741820'
-54000005 At row 5, column 1 the value is '1019741819'
-54000006 At row 6, column 1 the value is '1019741818'
-54000007 At row 7, column 1 the value is '1019741817'
-54000008 At row 8, column 1 the value is '1019741816'
-54000009 At row 9, column 1 the value is '1019741815'
-54000010 At row 10, column 1 the value is '1019741814'
-54000011 At row 11, column 1 the value is '1019741813'
-54000012 At row 12, column 1 the value is '1019741812'
-54000013 At row 13, column 1 the value is '1019741811'
-54000014 At row 14, column 1 the value is '1019741810'
-54000015 At row 15, column 1 the value is '1019741809'
-54000016 At row 16, column 1 the value is '1019741808'
-54000017 At row 17, column 1 the value is '1019741807'
-54000018 At row 18, column 1 the value is '1019741806'
-54000019 At row 19, column 1 the value is '1019741805'
-54000020 At row 20, column 1 the value is '1019741804'
-54000021 At row 21, column 1 the value is '1019741803'
-54000022 At row 22, column 1 the value is '1019741802'
-54000023 At row 23, column 1 the value is '1019741801'
-54000024 At row 24, column 1 the value is '1019741800'
-54000025 At row 25, column 1 the value is '1019741799'
-54000026 At row 26, column 1 the value is '1019741798'
-54000027 At row 27, column 1 the value is '1019741797'
-54000028 At row 28, column 1 the value is '1019741796'
-54000029 At row 29, column 1 the value is '1019741795'
-54000030 At row 30, column 1 the value is '1019741794'
-54000031 At row 31, column 1 the value is '1019741793'

Below number are working fine:



import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import EasyXLS.*;

public class Tutorial31 {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      System.out.println("Tutorial 31");
      Double d1 = new Double("324324");
      BigDecimal bg = new BigDecimal(4353);
      //Create an instance of the object that generates Excel files
      ExcelDocument xls = new ExcelDocument();

      //Read the file
      System.out.println("Reading file C:\\temp\\BigNoHQ1.xls");
      FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("C:\\temp\\BigNoHQ1.xls");
      ResultSet rs = xls.easy_ReadXLSSheet_AsResultSet(file, "Hierarchy-Goal");
      //Display the values
      int columnCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
      int row = 0;
      while (rs.next()){
        for (int column=1; column<=columnCount; column++)
          System.out.println("At row " + (row + 1) + ", column " + (column) +
                             " the value is '" + rs.getBigDecimal((column)).toPlainString() + "'");
    catch (Exception ex) {

can you please tell me how to resolve tish issue?

Thanks & Regards,
Smruti Ranjan Patra

Author:  daniela [ Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:29 am ]
Post subject: 

The defect was fixed staring with version 6.2.

Author:  smruti_patra [ Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Do we need to update the license or there is any patch available?

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